Blog 3: TV Series

Hi there! Today I come to talk about tv series

The truth is, I am not currently watching any series, because now I spend a lot of time studying, but the truth is I would like to see the series "Mindhunter", because I have been told that it is very good, since it deals with serial killer issues, and the truth has always drawn my attention to a television series of that type.

I use Netflix to watch series and movies, since they have a lot of variety in these areas. Also, on that platform there is a series that I saw more than once and that I highly recommend for its incredible plot and for the performance of the actors, which was “House of Cards”.

The truth is that as three weeks ago I saw the series "Sex Education", and the truth is that I liked it a lot, because of its plot and because it is entertaining, and recently I found out that Netflix renewed so that there would be a fourth season, so I am looking forward to it.



  1. Hi gustavo :)

    One of the series that I would like to see before the end of the year would be house of cards, it seems to be a very interesting serie

  2. Hello Gustavo, I have never seen House Of Cards but it catches my attention, I think it is about a politician who is looking for revenge or not? I hope I've time to see it

  3. Hi Gustavo!
    I think the same as you. Even though the latest season of "Sex Education" was recently released, it's so good that I want the fourth season now!
    It has an excellent plot, wonderful characters and breaks all the taboos of adolescence about sexuality.
    I hope you are well!

  4. Hi gustavo . I also use the netflix platform a lot to watch series and movies. Have you seen The Witness? it has been recommended to me a lot.

  5. Hi Gustavo! Nice blog! I love the "sex education" series! I am looking forward to the next season!

  6. Hello Gustavo!!
    They say sex education is pretty good, I should watch it when I have time

  7. Hi Gustavo! I also really liked "Sex Education", in fact, as soon as the new season came out I saw all the episodes.


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